Anush Harutyunyan
PositionJunior Researcher
Scientific degreePostgraduate student


2014 - 2018 -Yerevan State University- Bachelor's Degree of History and Qualification of a Teacher
2018-2020 - Yerevan State University - Master Degree of History of Neighboring countries of Armenia
2020-2023- PhD student at International Scientific Educational Centre of NAS RA, the department of Oriental Studies

Areas of researches/ Research Interests

Ethno-political processes in Eastern Transcaucasia in XIX-XX centuries


July-September 2022- Training at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Russian Academy of Science

Professional activity

September 2020 – August 2021 - Lecturer of history and social studies at the Collage of
September 2021- May 2023- Researcher at History Museum of Armenia
May 2023- Junior researcher at the Institute of Oriental studies

Awards, Prizes, Scholarships

Calouste Gulpenkian foundation, Conference and Travel Grants ARMENIA 2022, № 269543

Participation in conferences

2021 November 29 - December 03 – International Conference of Young Historians with the report – On The issue օf calling the titular nation of Soviet Azerbaijan "The Azerbaijanis"
2021 November 25 - 26 - International Conference “Caucasus region: History, Politics and Culture” with the report- The process of ethno consolidation among the Muslims of Eastern Transcaucasia at the second half of the XIX century on the base of written Turkic language.
2021 July 9 - 10 - The 41st Conference of Young Orientalists with the report- Armeno-tatar collisions and the new manifestations of ethnic identity among the Muslims of Eastern Transcaucasia
2019 November 29 - December 1 – International Conference of Young Historians with the report-Holiday as a mean of Soviet propaganda system

List of published articles

Harutyunyan A., Armeno-tatar colisions and the new manifestations of ethnic identity among the Muslims of Eastern Transcaucasia, The Near East Magazine, 2021.
Harutyunyan A., On the issue of calling the titular nation of Soviet Azerbaijan "the Azerbaijanis", Herald of the Social Sciences, N 3, 2023
Harutyunyan A., Principles for determining nationality according to the first All-union population census of 1926 (On the example of the Soviet Armenia), Historical-Philological Journal, N 3, 2023
Harutyunyan A., The Emergence of political currents among the Muslims of Eastern Transcaucasia in the early 20th century, History and Culture, 2022 № 1 (17)
Harutyunyan A., The process of ethno-consolidation among the Muslims of Eastern Transcaucasia in the second half of the 19th century on the basis of written Turkic language, Caucasian region. history, politics, culture, 2023