Admission to Master Programs for 2023-2024 in Following Fields
International Scientific-educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia Announces Admission to Master Programs for 2023-2024 in Following Fields More information

Opportunity to study for one semester at the University of Bologna, Italy!
The Department of Oriental Studies of the International Scientific-Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia was founded in 2008. The establishment of the department proceeded from the need to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of Oriental Studies, one of the important branches in historiography.
Department Objectives
- To prepare highly qualified Master degree holders in Oriental Studies
- To develop modern methods for preparing Orientalists
- To do academic and educational research in the field of Oriental Studies
- To prepare scientific manpower
- To promote international cooperation in education and research
- To enhance educational content
- To develop and publish professional literature (study guides, handbooks).
During study in the Master’s program students will receive thorough and systematic knowledge about the ancient, medieval, new and contemporary stages of history, culture and religion of the countries and peoples of the Near and Middle East. The study of the problems of history of Ancient Orient and Ancient Oriental mythology will give the students a complete understanding of the Near and Middle East as the cradle of civilization. The student will receive thorough knowledge about the important questions of history, politics, regional and international relations of modern Turkey, Iran, South Caucasus and Arab countries.